Amira, Chelsea escort from Tabu London

Amira is based in Chelsea and is listed under Tabu London

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Contact Information

Name:Amira Agency:Tabu London Telephone:+44 7425 775757

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Age:21 Nationality:European Measurements:34D - 24 - 34 Height:5ft 6in - 167cm Dress Size:8 Hair Colour:Brown Availability:24 Hours Location:Chelsea Views to date:2067


DurationIncallOutcall 1 Hour: £150 £200 2 Hours: £300 £350 Additional Hours: £150 £150 Overnight:  £1000

Location Map

Amira, Chelsea EscortAmira, Agency, London EscortsAmiraAmiraAmira, Chelsea EscortAmira, Escorts in LondonAmira, Escorts in LondonAmira

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Tabu London have just updated Emma's profile . She is now based in Kensington.

Tabu London have just updated Akira's profile .

Tabu London have just updated Amber's profile . She is now listed under Brunette, Busty and European.

Tabu London have just updated Amber's profile . She is now listed under no categories.

Tabu London have just updated Amber's profile . She is now listed under no categories. She also has new pictures.

Tabu London has just added a new escort called Amber. She is based in Chelsea

Tabu London have just updated Amira's profile . She is now listed under Brunette, Busty and European. She also has new pictures.

Tabu London has just added a new escort called Amira. She is based in Chelsea

Tabu London have just updated Emma's profile . She is now listed under Brunette and European. She also has new pictures.

Tabu London have just updated Monika's profile . She is now listed under Blonde, Busty and European. She also has new pictures.

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